Saturday 7 September 2013

Soldier on

I thought you were suppose to be well rested and rejuvenated when returning from holidays. How wrong was I. 

Where I went wrong? I took Big Brother and Little Brother (and The Husband) with me. Fool. 

No seriously. We had a lovely time. 
Swimming, playgrounds, the beach, picturesque villages, relaxing breakfasts, easy meals and even sunshine! It was lovely. 

But we had two children with us that don't sleep well at the best of times. Put them in a new environment, beds that aren't their own in rooms without blackout blinds and being up only half the night begins to sound appealing. Not one morning did The Husband and I wake up in the same bed. 

We don't do 'crying it out', we don't do schedules, we don't do waking sleeping babies for feeds. But at times like these I start to doubt our choices, our parenting style. As a baby I was left to cry it out and I grew up to be a happy person. So really, how bad can it all be? 

But I can't. We can't. Crying is a baby's only way to communicate. Ignoring it is so wrong. Yes some babies need to cry a bit to shut down, but endless screaming is just not fair. 

And so we soldier on. 
Hoping to sleep for more than 2 hours in a row. 

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